Re~Connect to S*E*L*F
6 Weeks of Self-Discovery through
Yoga, Meditation and Journaling
For the Women's Session, it is a 6 week program using yoga, meditation, and journaling to Re~Connect our authentic selves that might have been lost in our efforts to be the perfect wife and mother and more. Meeting everyone else's needs and expectations, while forgetting ourselves, might have left us feeling lost or unsure about what is our next purpose. Take the time for yourself to dig deep and Re~Connect to yourself to live a fulfilled and joyful life.
​Within this course, we help ladies discover who they authentically are even though the world has molded them into who they thought they should be. We strive to give them skills to deal with challenges that emerged through the most difficult transitional years and work toward healing traumas that life experiences have created. Through yoga, meditation and journaling, along with the class discussions, this course will allow women to reclaim their power, realize dreams and find their way back to their Soul's Purpose.
6 Thursdays
Beginning January 11
5:30-7:00 pm
Hendersonville Care Farm
Cost: $200 before December 20th
$250 After

Week 1
January 11: Re~Member
A Practice to remember who you are and who you were always meant to be.
Week 2
January 18: Re~Spark
Questioning and Creating a Spark to Re~Ignite your passions.

Week 3
January 25: Re~Ignite
A Week of Self-Discovery to put the spark into action, as you ignite your true self and desires.
Week 4
February 1: Re~Devote
Setting Intentions to Re~Devote to Your S*E*L*F for Yourself!

Week 5
February 8: Re~Impassion
A week to feel into the passion that you have reawaken and allow it to shine.
Week 6
February 15: Re~Connect
Creating space to embody the reconnection that you have found within yourself.

More Information:

Yoga and
After returning to a cleansed and centered soul, we will set an intention around what you desire to create and embody that intention through journaling, meditation and flow.

Gratitude for
Each of You
Thank you for joining me for this Yoga Series.
I hope to continue to offer
events and classes at
Franny's Farmacy and other Asheville Area Location.
Your Feedback is always welcome.

This class will allow you to let go of what you no longer want to carry with you and what is blocking your Shine from within. We will identify what you are holding on to and release with intention through journaling.
*You will need a journal, pen and willingness to redirect your heart and mind.